Natural medicine (in the forms of Naturopathy, Acupuncture, and Ayurveda) is largely substantiated by clinical research and experience. These evidence-based therapies have minimal side effects and effectively improve your chronic health concerns.
Initially trained as primary care physicians, we are fluent in medication management and conventional standards of care, allowing us to serve as a bridge between your medical doctor
s and our holistic approach.
Our therapeutic approach includes:
Comprehensive health programs & consults
Lifestyle medicine; including nutrition & supplements
Yoga and relaxation therapy, etc.
The "therapeutic hierarchy" pictured here is a representation of a Naturopathic Doctor’s approach to alleviating symptoms AND treating the cause of your disease. This approach prioritizes therapies that are most effective and safe, yet least invasive and toxic. These low force, high efficacy therapies are found toward the bottom of the triangle.
Higher force interventions are located higher on the triangle, and include therapies such as pharmaceutical medication and surgery. While these therapies are important, especially in emergent and other medically necessary situations, we prioritize treatments that better align with nature in order to create more sustainable and long-lasting change.